FCTM ESOPE is committed to a sustainable future

The Exhibition and Symposium dedicated to Boilermaking, Piping and Welding is deeply committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach. With 3 concrete commitments, the show is part of a process of continuous improvement in order to contribute to a sustainable, ethical and united future!

1. Reducing our environmental impact

We adopt sustainable practices in the organization of the show with the reduction of energy consumption, the promotion of ecological transport and the awareness of participants on the importance of the environment.

a. Waste
• Selective collection of cardboard and wood is offered to exhibitors during assembly and dismantling.
• Selective collection is also offered to visitors throughout the show with sorting bins located throughout the show.
• All sorted waste is then sent to dedicated recovery channels.
• Every year we strive to increase the share of our recycled waste.

b. Facilities (stands, energy, etc.)
• We have reduced the area of aisles covered by carpet by 60%.
• The cleaning products used during the show are ecological.
• The furniture and partitions used for the equipped stands and in the common areas of the show are reused from one year to the next.
• The service providers who supply the wood used for the partitions are FSC or PEFC certified.
• All stands equipped by the show and common areas (conferences, Business Club, etc.) use LED lighting.

c. Transportation
We raise awareness among our visitors and exhibitors about the use of public transport or soft mobility solutions and the practice of carpooling.

d. Marketing tools
• Prints were made on recycled paper.
• The furniture to distribute the visiting tools is reused from one edition to another.
• For a very large number of them, the invitations are no longer printed but sent only by email.
• Badge holder lanyards and plastic badges provided to exhibitors and visitors are collected at the exit of the show.

e. Catering services / catering
Our catering providers are also part of ongoing sustainable development initiatives through various actions.
• Waste management with reinforced selective sorting.
• Fight against waste (water, paper, cardboard, electricity, fuel, etc.).
• Integration of recyclable and recycled products.
• Use of glass bottles (returnable, recycled), use of PET bottles on the bar for water only.
• Production favoring the purchase of local or French raw materials.

2. Social involvement

Among the many social actions of the Infopro Digital group, we can note the commitment to the association “Nos Quartiers ont du Talent”, which works in favor of equal opportunities. It helps young graduates from disadvantaged neighborhoods to enter the job market.

3. Continuous improvement

CSR is a process of continuous improvement. We regularly evaluate our CSR practices and performance in order to implement corrective actions and progress towards our objectives. We also seek feedback from our stakeholders to help us strengthen our approach and meet expectations effectively.

Together, let's build a better future.